Basic Linux setup

Time zone

timedatectl set-timezone Asia/Hong_Kong


firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port=31129-31130/tcp
firewall-cmd --reload
firewall-cmd --list-all

Enable BBR

Option 1

wget --no-check-certificate -O
chmod +x
sysctl net.ipv4.tcp_available_congestion_control
sysctl net.ipv4.tcp_congestion_control
sysctl net.core.default_qdisc
lsmod | grep bbr

Option 2

wget --no-check-certificate && chmod +x ./ && ./

Create the swapfile

fallocate -l 8G /swapfile
chmod 600 /swapfile
mkswap /swapfile
swapon /swapfile
swapon --show

If we want to change the size of swapfile, we need swapoff and recreate the file

swapoff /swapfile
rm -rf /swapfile

To make the change permanent open the /etc/fstab file and append the following line:

/swapfile swap swap defaults 0 0

Remove rpcbind

systemctl stop rpcbind
systemctl stop rpcbind.socket
systemctl disable rpcbind
systemctl disable rpcbind.socket

Remove oracle-cloud-agent

systemctl stop oracle-cloud-agent
systemctl disable oracle-cloud-agent
systemctl stop oracle-cloud-agent-updater
systemctl disable oracle-cloud-agent-updater

Useful commands

top -o RES
This will display the processes sorted by the memory usage (RES field).
ps aux --sort -rss
This will list all processes sorted by the resident set size (RSS).
top -o %CPU
This will launch the top command and sort the processes by their CPU usage in descending order.
free -h
df -h
Human readable memory and disk consumption
docker stats --no-stream

Setup system cleanup and update

Refer to: Update, clean and reboot in CentOS 8



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