How to reduce MySQL memory consumption

Parameters of MySQL memory usage

There is only 2GB of memory available on my server, and I noticed that MySQL is occupying nearly 2.8GB, which is more than the available memory.

|                          key_buffer_size |           8.000 MB |
|                         query_cache_size |           0.000 MB |
|                  innodb_buffer_pool_size |         128.000 MB |
|          innodb_additional_mem_pool_size |           0.000 MB |
|                   innodb_log_buffer_size |          16.000 MB |
|                              BASE MEMORY |         152.000 MB |
|                         sort_buffer_size |           0.250 MB |
|                         read_buffer_size |           0.125 MB |
|                     read_rnd_buffer_size |           0.250 MB |
|                         join_buffer_size |           0.250 MB |
|                             thread_stack |           1.000 MB |
|                        binlog_cache_size |           0.031 MB |
|                           tmp_table_size |          16.000 MB |
|                    MEMORY PER CONNECTION |          17.906 MB |
|                     Max_used_connections |                  2 |
|                          max_connections |                151 |
|                              TOTAL (MIN) |         187.812 MB |
|                              TOTAL (MAX) |        2855.844 MB |

Find the config file of MySQL and reduce the sizes accordingly. In my server, it is under /etc/my.cnf.d

vi /etc/my.cnf.d/mysql-memory.cnf
key_buffer_size = 16M
read_buffer_size = 60K
sort_buffer_size = 1M
innodb_buffer_pool_size = 64M
tmp_table_size = 8M
max_allowed_packet = 16M
thread_stack = 192K
thread_cache_size = 8
max_connections = 25

Print the MySQL memory consumption again. The consumption decreased significantly.

|                          key_buffer_size |          16.000 MB |
|                         query_cache_size |           0.000 MB |
|                  innodb_buffer_pool_size |          64.000 MB |
|          innodb_additional_mem_pool_size |           0.000 MB |
|                   innodb_log_buffer_size |          16.000 MB |
|                              BASE MEMORY |          96.000 MB |
|                         sort_buffer_size |           1.000 MB |
|                         read_buffer_size |           0.059 MB |
|                     read_rnd_buffer_size |           0.250 MB |
|                         join_buffer_size |           0.250 MB |
|                             thread_stack |           0.188 MB |
|                        binlog_cache_size |           0.031 MB |
|                           tmp_table_size |           8.000 MB |
|                    MEMORY PER CONNECTION |           9.777 MB |
|                     Max_used_connections |                  1 |
|                          max_connections |                 25 |
|                              TOTAL (MIN) |         105.777 MB |
|                              TOTAL (MAX) |         340.434 MB |

The scripts to print MySQL memory consumption:


# Prompt for MySQL authentication
read -p "Enter MySQL username: " MYSQL_USER
read -s -p "Enter MySQL password: " MYSQL_PASSWORD

# Execute MySQL queries with authentication
mysql -u "$MYSQL_USER" -p"$MYSQL_PASSWORD" -e "show variables; show status" | awk '
END {  
MAX_CONN = VAR["max_connections"]  
MAX_USED_CONN = VAR["Max_used_connections"]  
BASE_MEM=VAR["key_buffer_size"] + VAR["query_cache_size"] + VAR["innodb_buffer_pool_size"] + VAR["innodb_additional_mem_pool_size"] + VAR["innodb_log_buffer_size"]  
MEM_PER_CONN=VAR["read_buffer_size"] + VAR["read_rnd_buffer_size"] + VAR["sort_buffer_size"] + VAR["join_buffer_size"] + VAR["binlog_cache_size"] + VAR["thread_stack"] + VAR["tmp_table_size"]  
printf "+------------------------------------------+--------------------+\n"  
printf "| %40s | %15.3f MB |\n", "key_buffer_size", VAR["key_buffer_size"]/1048576  
printf "| %40s | %15.3f MB |\n", "query_cache_size", VAR["query_cache_size"]/1048576  
printf "| %40s | %15.3f MB |\n", "innodb_buffer_pool_size", VAR["innodb_buffer_pool_size"]/1048576  
printf "| %40s | %15.3f MB |\n", "innodb_additional_mem_pool_size", VAR["innodb_additional_mem_pool_size"]/1048576  
printf "| %40s | %15.3f MB |\n", "innodb_log_buffer_size", VAR["innodb_log_buffer_size"]/1048576  
printf "+------------------------------------------+--------------------+\n"  
printf "| %40s | %15.3f MB |\n", "BASE MEMORY", BASE_MEM/1048576  
printf "+------------------------------------------+--------------------+\n"  
printf "| %40s | %15.3f MB |\n", "sort_buffer_size", VAR["sort_buffer_size"]/1048576  
printf "| %40s | %15.3f MB |\n", "read_buffer_size", VAR["read_buffer_size"]/1048576  
printf "| %40s | %15.3f MB |\n", "read_rnd_buffer_size", VAR["read_rnd_buffer_size"]/1048576  
printf "| %40s | %15.3f MB |\n", "join_buffer_size", VAR["join_buffer_size"]/1048576  
printf "| %40s | %15.3f MB |\n", "thread_stack", VAR["thread_stack"]/1048576  
printf "| %40s | %15.3f MB |\n", "binlog_cache_size", VAR["binlog_cache_size"]/1048576  
printf "| %40s | %15.3f MB |\n", "tmp_table_size", VAR["tmp_table_size"]/1048576  
printf "+------------------------------------------+--------------------+\n"  
printf "| %40s | %15.3f MB |\n", "MEMORY PER CONNECTION", MEM_PER_CONN/1048576  
printf "+------------------------------------------+--------------------+\n"  
printf "| %40s | %18d |\n", "Max_used_connections", MAX_USED_CONN  
printf "| %40s | %18d |\n", "max_connections", MAX_CONN  
printf "+------------------------------------------+--------------------+\n"  
printf "| %40s | %15.3f MB |\n", "TOTAL (MIN)", MEM_TOTAL_MIN/1048576  
printf "| %40s | %15.3f MB |\n", "TOTAL (MAX)", MEM_TOTAL_MAX/1048576  
printf "+------------------------------------------+--------------------+\n"  

Useful commands

top -o RES
This will display the processes sorted by the memory usage (RES field).
ps aux --sort -rss
This will list all processes sorted by the resident set size (RSS).
top -o %CPU
This will launch the top command and sort the processes by their CPU usage in descending order.
free -h
df -h
Human readable memory and disk consumption



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