Lean Six Sigma 之二

DMAEC – Measure

Basic Statistics

2 general types of data

  • Discrete Data (Attribute Data or Count Data)
  • Continuous Data (Variable Data)

Measures of Location (central tendency)

  • Mean (Average)
  • Median (50% position)
  • Mode (The value that occurs most frequent)

Measures of Spread (Variation)

  • Range
  • Variance
  • Standard Deviation

Sampling Methods

  • Random Sampling: All items in the population have an equal chance of being chosen in the sample.
  • Stratified Sampling: When the population consists of mixture of more than one strata, each forming a homogeneous group, Stratified sampling can assure that the sample represents the population adequately.
  • Clustered Sampling: Select a random sample of the clusters and assume that these clusters represent the population as a whole. Opposite to Stratified Sampling.
  • Systematic Sampling: Selection of samples from a population according to a set schedule or plan.

How to determine the sample size? n = square(1.96 * σ / Δ). Where Δ represents the precision or accuracy.

Data Collection Process

1. Determine What to Measure

2. Develop Operational Definitions and Procedures

3. Validate the Measurement System

Measurement System Analysis (MSA)

  • Accuracy: Distance to the target.
  • Precision: Distance within the samples.
  • Linearity
  • Stability
  • Resolution
  • Repeatability: The same result when one person uses the same equipment and process.
  • Reproducibility: The same result when different person use the same equipment and process.

4. Begin Data Collection

5. Continue Improving Measurement Consistency

Determine Process Capability

DPMO: Defect per Million Opportunities

The sigma level: Z-score = (x – μ) / σ. Where μ is the target value. It is the number of σ (standard deviation).

Z.short-term = Z.long-term + 1.5

Yield: The percentage of products produced defect-free (defect area is 10%, then yield area is 90%.). Some standard yields: One-sided Yield: 50%, 84.13%, 97.73% and 99.865%; Two-sided Yield: 68.27%, 95.46%.

DMAEC – Analyse

Identify Source of Variation

Check sheets, Graphs, Bar charts and Pareto charts


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