Lean Six Sigma 之一

今天上Lean Six Sigma,才发现原来的理解确实有很大的偏差。过去的理解是6σ仅仅是一种评估标准,制造业比较容易应用,软件业似乎仅适用于测试阶段对defect的度量,和production support时对incident的度量。经过今天的介绍,原来6σ是一种象征意义,Lean Six Sigma是一种管理哲学,所象征的是接近于完美的质量要求。意味着100万个出错机会里面只会有3.4个缺陷,也就是99.99966%的质量。它包括一套知道项目管理的方法和工具。


Lean Six Sigma是一套基于统计的方法论,换句话说就是number driven,量化所有过程。另外它关注的是Standard Deviation而非Mean(Average)的数值。它有两个目标:一是Reduce Spread(缩小正态分布的跨度),而是Center Process(使正态分布以目标位中心)。以计划的偏差为例,它的目标就是缩小正负偏差的区间,使正负偏差以目标时间为中心分布。

DMAEC:Define, Measure, Analyse, Engineer and Control。

COPQ (Cost of Poor Quality)包括Prevention Costs, Appraisal Costs, Failure Costs and Waste Costs。

Project Charter

  1. Problem Statement
  2. Goal Statement
  3. Business Case
  4. Project Scope
  5. Project Milestone

Capture the customer requirements

CTQ: Critical to Customer

VOC: Voice of Customer

Process Mapping

SIPOC: Suppliers, Inputs, Process, Outputs and Customers

Basic Problem Solving Tools

  • Brainstorm: No Criticism, Manage Time, Focus on identified issue, prevent bias, etc.
  • Fish bone
  • Pareto
  • XY Matrix: The rows represent the inputs. The columns represent the outputs. And the outputs have the weighting respectively. The cross cells represent the relationship strength of inputs and outputs.
  • FMEA: Failure Modes and Effects Analysis


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